December 30, 2019

Vegan Protein Powder

Natural Vegan Protein Supplement !!

1) Almonds - 50 gms
2) Peanuts (Ground Nuts) - 50 gms
3) Soya Beans - 50 gms
4) Oats - 50 gms
5) Chia Seeds  - 2 Teaspoons
      -> If Chia seeds are unavailable, Basil Seeds / Sabja seeds (in Telugu) can be used instead

1) Dry roast all the ingredients individually
2) Dry roast Chia or Sabja for 10 secs only
3) All dry roasting should be done on low to medium flame
4) Let all the ingredients cool completely
5) Blend each of the ingredients into a powder form individually using a mixer grinder or blender
6) Be careful with Almonds and Peanuts while grinding . Use pulse grinding , so these nuts don't release oils and become lumpy
7) Soya beans, Oats and Chia / Basil can be made into fine powder
8) Add Elaichi powder for flavor as per your taste. This is optional
9) Mix all the ingredients, sift them through a medium grain sifter
10) Vegan Protein powder ready to use

How to use:-
1) Add this powder in milkshakes
2) Sprinkle on Vegetable and Fruit Salads
3) Add this powder (1-2 Teaspoons) along with little honey to 1 cup of warm / hot milk . Please make sure to mix before each sip , as the powder may settle to the bottom of the cup

December 23, 2019

3 Day Detox - Natural Cleansing of Body

Human Body is a great machine. We keep subjecting it to a lot of abuse by means of excessive eating, drinking and not providing sufficient rest. Given a chance, the body can recover itself efficiently , and keep us in optimum health. We rarely do that, and our bodies have to constantly work overtime to repair all the damage.

Imagine a situation, where we work in our offices non-stop without rest, sleep and proper food day in and day out. What happens ? We break down after a certain point both physically and mentally.

We need to observe warning signals like dark circles under the eyes, tiredness, frequent fevers, headaches, body pains, constipation, acidity, etc.,

Solution ?

Here is a simple solution to detox our bodies in 3 days, feel fresh and rejuvenated. This is recommended once in three months (Yearly 4 times)

** This detox is not recommended for individuals who are suffering from Diabetes, Chronic Kidney disease and any other major health issues that are being treated. I will be more than happy to help them individually**

** Substitute Butter Milk with Orange Juice for Lactose intolerant individuals.

Day 4 - Have Vegetable Kichidi (Vegetables, Moon Dal, Rice Kichidi) to break the fast. Apart from this, please have less spicy food on Day 4 to allow the body accustomed before starting to eat other foods from Day 5 

Pranayamam Techniques !!

Good Luck :-) !!

December 6, 2019

Eggless Banana & Dates Cake

A Healthy Evening Snack !

Eggless, Sugarless Banana & Dates Cake !!

1) Wheat Flour - 2 Cups
2) Dates - 1 Cup
3) 2 Ripe Medium Sized Bananas
4) Jaggery - 1 Cup
5) Butter - 1 Cup
6) Curd - 1.5 Cups
7) Almond Milk or Coconut Milk or Milk - 3/4 Cup
8) Baking Powder - 2 Teaspoons
9) Vanilla Essence - 2 Teaspoons
10) Crushed Cashew Nuts - 2 TableSpoons

1) Sift the Wheat Flour to remove any lumps
2) Heat Jaggery and Dates together with little water to melt Jaggery and soften the Dates
3) Add Butter, Curd, Milk, Jaggery&Dates paste, Baking Powder, Vanilla essence, mashed bananas to the flour and whisk the batter thoroughly
4) Take a baking tray / vessel and grease it with butter or Ghee (Clarified Butter)
5) Pour the whisked batter, and sprinkle the crushed Cashew nuts on top
6) Bake at 375 degrees for 30-45 mins in conventional oven
7) If you don't have a conventional or microwave oven, the cake can be baked on Low flame for 60-70 mins on makeshift Stove top Oven

How to make a makeshift stove top Oven:-
1) Take a regular pressure cooker pan and fill with 2 inches of fine sand
2) You can use an Aluminium or steel stand of 2 inches height if sand is not available
3) Keep the pressure cooker pan on the stove burner, cover it with a wide lid and preheat it on low flame for 15 mins
4) Your make shift oven is preheated, and ready for baking

December 3, 2019

Vegan Spinach Guava Protein Smoothie

Good Morning !!

Perfect Smoothie to start your day with loads of Energy !!

Spinach Guava Protein Vegan Smoothie !!

Ingredients:- (Serves 4 – 5)
1. Spinach – 2 bunches or 1 medium bowl
2. Guava (Medium Size) – 1 
3. A slice of ginger (or as per your taste) 
4. Homemade Vegan Protein Powder (Will share this recipe in another post)
      5. Overnight Soaked Dates - 1 cup
      6. Pinch of Turmeric

1. Blend all the ingredients together with water . You can also use little milk if you are lactose tolerant
2. Add Honey while blending if additional sweetness is required
3. Filter, Serve with watermelon seeds and Enjoy

1. Good source of Anti-oxidants and Polyphenols which help fight Inflammation
2. Excellent source of Proteins, Iron & Dietary Fiber
3. Spinach and Dates are good sources of Iron, Calcium, Magnesium , Potassium
4. Good for the stomach & aids digestion

December 1, 2019

Principles of Good Health

7 factors that influence the Health of Individual can be categorized as below. These principles are interdependent on each other and a lack of any of the principle would adversely affect the health of any individual in the long run.

1) Sunlight: - Sun is the life force for all living beings and getting exposed to at least 15 - 20 minutes of Sunlight everyday helps the body to fight diseases and develop immunity. Exposure to sunlight helps body to absorb the necessary Vitamin D required for the body which in turn boosts Calcium absorption for stronger bones. Sunlight also helps to increase a hormone called Serotonin which is associated with elevating the mood

2) Water: - Having a regular intake of 4-6 litres of water everyday helps the body to expel toxins from the body and keep the organs functioning well. Not only taking 4-6 litres of water, but the water should be taken at the right time and proportions.  The intake of water needs to be monitored and managed based on any preexisting diseases and conditions.

3) Exercise: - As evident from numerous studies and research, Physical exercise helps to keep the muscles and bones in good condition. There are numerous benefits of exercise such as Weight Loss, maintenance of healthy weight, enhanced Pain tolerance, increased energy levels, elevated mood levels, combating Depression, increased energy levels, reducing the risk of diseases, develop Immunity etc., At least 30-45 mins of exercise per day is recommended for all.

4) Food (Avoid Alcohol and Smoking): - Energy giving, Body Building and Regulatory are the major functions of food to the body. On an average, a human consumes 35,000 kgs of food in their lives. Hence, it’s very important that the food we consume plays a major role in our health. No amount of Physical Exercise or  can give results unless the Food, which is fuel for the body is nutritious and taken in the right proportions and at the right time.

5) Positive Thinking: - Why is this important ? Positive thoughts and thinking have been scientifically proven to create a feel good factor, and thereby improve the disease fighting capabilities of the body.  Positive thoughts help our brain to release endorphins which in turn help us manage day to day activities better and increase productivity. 

6) Stress Management: - In our day to day lives and activities, we encounter a lot of stressful events. Be it Traffic on the way to work, financial struggles, health , Family  and Environment – These are all stressful events. When we are under constant stress, the bodies increase the stress hormone Cortisol. This increases our heart rate, blood pressure and puts us at increased risk of many health problems such as Anxiety disorders, Depression, Gastric Issues, Weight gain or loss, Concentration etc., and in turn negatively effects the productivity levels.

7) Sleep: - Sleep plays an important role in healing the body and improving our physical health. During sleep, the body repairs dead tissues, regenerate cells, regulate the body functions , rejuvenates the brain and body.  Without good Sleep, the previous 6 principles cannot help the body to achieve good health.

We shall look at each of these principles in detail in the subsequent articles.

Watermelon Rind Raitha (Yogurt Chutney)

  Ingredients (Serves 3 - 4) 1)  1/2 Medium Size Watermelon Rind 2)  Yogurt - 1/2 Cup 3)  Freshly ground pepper powder  - 1 Teaspoon 4)  Pin...