November 22, 2019

Morning Refresher Juice

Good Morning !!

While I take my time to write the next article, please do enjoy this simple refresher combo Juice to start your day.

Ingredients needed (Serves 4 – 5 cups)
1. Watermelon – 1 Medium size   
2. Pomegranate – 2 
3. A slice of ginger (or as per your taste) 
4. Lemon and few mint leaves

1. Blend all the ingredients together
2. Add Honey if additional sweetness is required
3. Filter, Serve and Enjoy

November 18, 2019

Health is Wealth

Health is Wealth !!

HEALTH!! Often used word with everyone having a different definition and perspective.  Some define health as not having any disease, for some its mental health and for some its social wellbeing. WHO (World Health Organization) defines Health as “State of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease”

Being healthy is the biggest joy and blessing and the real wealth one should collect. There is no success without good physical and mental health. Good health is the most powerful resource to every facet of our lives. If we are not fit then we cannot focus and excel at work, studies or even family. And this only attracts failures and unhappiness.

Ironically, most of us start focusing on health only when we start losing it and sometime when it’s too late. The trick is to prevent getting sick than to cure it. It is never too late to focus on the most important aspect of life.

Achieving Good Health

Achieving and maintaining good health is not a very difficult task. Remember, health is our biggest support and friend and it tends to bounce back with small lifestyle changes, focus and discipline.

Yes, discipline is one of the most needed ingredient if you are looking to get healthier. Simply making plans and diet charts is not enough. Following it is the key. Simply said, getting healthier is not a short term goal, but it is a lifestyle change. It should become a pattern of living which involves great amount of discipline and self-control.

Our day to day habits, activities, thoughts and choices influence our health and well-being. What is critical here is making a deliberate attempt to keep them positive, nourishing and active. 

Importance of Being Healthy

The importance of being healthy and fit cannot be stressed enough for living a fulfilling, prosperous and happy life. Sickness, deteriorated health and weakness can prove to be huge hinderance in the way to achieve professional success, personal joy and family bliss.

The biggest benefit of being healthy is to stay away from illness. Physical diseases like High Cholesterol, Diabetes, Hypertension, PCOD etc., and mental illness of stress, depression and anxiety are evaded by keeping yourself positive, active and careful. These are rightly categorized as Lifestyle disorders.

Being in this reduced physical and mental state can pull down the confidence, create negativity and frustration and ultimately lead to the grip of failure.

Lifestyle principles for a healthier life

Well-being is not just about healthy food, but it is the relationship and association of healthy thoughts, actions and feelings. When we talk about being “Healthy” we definitely don’t mean being “Slim”. Being fit is a state where the mind and body compliments each other to feel strong, confident and beautiful. 

Principles to keep in mind for a healthier life

1) Sunlight
2) Water
3) Physical Exercise
4) Food and Nutrition
5) Positive Thinking
6) Stress Management
7) Rest and Sleep

Will elaborate more on these principles in the next post.


There will always be those daily struggles of life. Be it meeting our professional targets, Financial targets, Family responsibilities and Social Obligations.

However, keeping health and fitness as a priority is extremely important to keep equilibrium between success and happiness.

Keep in mind the Golden Rule - Health Is Wealth !!

Watermelon Rind Raitha (Yogurt Chutney)

  Ingredients (Serves 3 - 4) 1)  1/2 Medium Size Watermelon Rind 2)  Yogurt - 1/2 Cup 3)  Freshly ground pepper powder  - 1 Teaspoon 4)  Pin...